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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Proton Exora Minor Change Going To be Reveal Soon!!!

I’ve got this image of the Exora MC1, terms used as Minor Change from this blog FUNTASTIKODESIGN regarding to this Exora MC1. Based on the pictures from this blog, we can see that Proton has made some changes to the alloy wheel design and also some updates to the exterior looks of the car. I can truly say, the addition of the body kit does make the Exora design cleaner and much more complete.

The changes not only on the exterior but Proton have made some changes on the interior too. I won’t speak much about the design or changes on the exterior, since there is no spy pics I can found on the internet but what I can assure you, the changes on the inside does make the Exora looks much luxurious as compared to the current production.

So the next question would be, when this car will be on the market. Now that is another secret to be reveal soon. I can give you some indication, but not the exact date since the launch date can be change to accommodate the timing of the VIP if there is a VIP involve for the launching. Safely I can say that, the launching will be soon, less than 3 weeks away, so if you do have plans to buy the Exora, get your cash ready for the down payment or get ready to sign the cheque book. If you do have some more cash to spare, I would advise you to buy the Exora 25th Anniversay Edition, which will also going to be reveal soon. It would be a great buy with all the features that would make any Exorian full of envy.


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