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Saturday, September 1, 2012

Volkswagen's CEO Admits, 12 Brands Is Enough!!! Is It?

It has been confirm that Volkswagen will stop is buying spree for now. It has been reported by Handelsblatt, Volkswagen CEO Dr Martin Winterkorn quoted saying "We have enough to do at the moment in taking out twelve brands to where we want to be" The piece of news means the CEO himself has dismissed the rumors of buying Proton. The current focus now for the Volkswagen Group is integrating some of their newer purchases such as Porsche, Ducati, Man and Scania into the company's portfolio. 

So what happen next to Proton and Volkswagen saga. Well we have to look at see the next development though. I have heard some rumors from my own reliable sources that few month ago after the DRB acquisition of Proton, some top level Volkswagen officials have visited Proton numerous times. Does that mean Volkswagen are hiding something from us. We know that Volkswagen is relatively week in the South East Asia market, thus a manufacturing plant is needed to capitalize the AFTA agreement and position their cars closer to the Japan makes. I do hope this plan will be materialize soon. 

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