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Friday, August 10, 2012

Edaran Tan Chong Treats Its Valuable Customer

Edaran Tan Chong Motor Sdn Bhd (ETCM) recently conducted two customer events to further strengthen their relationship with Nissan owners. A “City Survival Workshop” was conducted as part of ETCM’s corporate social responsibility whilst the “Nissan Family Day” was organized to bring ETCM and the owners closer together. 

“These customer events were organized as part of our ongoing Customer Relations Management programme to enhance the customer ownership experience. At ETCM, we constantly strive to improve our customer service. We promise to deliver to all our customers an excellent Nissan experience before, during and especially after the purchase of a vehicle. We are very honored when our customers participate in our events and enjoy themselves” said Dato’ Dr Ang Bon Beng, executive director of ETCM.

Nissan City Survival Workshop

ETCM held the exclusive female-customers-only event on July 7th at the Melia Hotel Kuala Lumpur. This programme is approved by the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development and covers topics such as how to better respond to emergencies, detect hidden cameras as well as manage cell-phone threats. The turnout to the event was tremendous. “We organized the ‘Nissan City Survival Workshop’ for our female customers to equip them with the required skills and knowledge to protect themselves – especially after reading about the crimes happening in Malaysia these days targeting women” said Dato’ Dr Ang. 

The workshop was conducted by K. Balasupramaniam, the chairman of Malaysian Volunteer Fire and Rescue Association, and comprised live demonstrations on self-defence. Nissan’s female customers were also given the opportunity to practice the tips and moves taught during the workshop. “Thank you ETCM for organizing this event and for looking out for the safety of your female customers. I definitely feel safer and more prepared to defend myself in case of any emergencies” said Ms. Jackie Joo Moi Hoon., a satisfied participant at the event. Based on the overwhelming response, ETCM will organise two more similar survival workshops in 4th quarter this year.

Nissan Family Day

ETCM also organized its first Nissan Family Day at the Nissan 3S Centre in Kuantan, Pahang. The event was attended by over 400 of Nissan’s East Coast customers and family members on July 14. There ware exciting games and activities, such as the mummy wrapping, jigsaw puzzle and mix & match. The newly launched Grand Livina AUTECH was the “star” in the ‘Spot the Difference’ game. 

There were many prizes offered during the Family Day but the highlight was the grand prize of a new iPAD. “I like how Nissan continues to engage with us throughout our ownership of the vehicle. These activities not only strengthen our relationship with ETCM, but also with other Nissan drivers here” commented En. Suhaimi Bin Yahya, a satisfied Nissan customer. 

ETCM will continue to organize more similar workshops and activities to benefit more people through nation wide which will be announced from time to time. For more information, please logon to

source: ETCM Media Press Release

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