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Thursday, August 30, 2012

What's Coming From Naza Kia In 4th Quarter Of This Year!!! Kia Rio And Kia Picanto!!

Looks like, we are going near to the end of quarter 3 of this year, and boy we have seen a very exciting year of the automotive industry in Malaysia. So what's next for the quarter 4 of this year. I have some juicy news being spilled to me, a tweetie bird has spoken to some exciting news that will be coming from Naza Kia. The first will be the launch of the all new Kia Rio. We have seen in numerous local auto blog showing pictures of the all new Kia Rio being tested here on the Malaysia road. 

From what i've heard, this new car is going to be launch somewhere at the end of September or early October with the finale of the year will be the launch of the much anticipated the all new Kia Picanto. Why I said the much anticipated model, well according to my blog statistics, the highest search for information is really about this Kia Picanto and I would say, Naza Kia is pointing at the right direction if they manage to introduce this two new model by this year. Fingers cross and let's hope that my tweetie bird is saying the truth!!! 

1 comment:

  1. waited quite a while for Picanto, they initially said the 1st quarter, got tired of waiting and went for a national make compact instead.. though willing to consider Picanto again if the specs are awesome


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