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Monday, January 19, 2015

PRESS RELEASE: Suzuki Malaysia Lend A Hand Campaign For The Massive Flood Victims

In the wake of the severe flooding which has affected nine states across the Northern and Eastern coast of Peninsular Malaysia, empathetic businesses have been responding to the plight of flood victims with their respective post-disaster campaigns. Suzuki Malaysia Automobile is doing its part to help car owners get their flood-damaged cars back on the road as Swift-ly and safely as possible.

From 15 January to 28 February 2015, Suzuki Malaysia Automobile is providing its customers in the affected regions with relief in the form of a dedicated service campaign, which includes the following:* 

50% discount on lubrication i.e {engine oil, transmission fluid, coolant} 
30% discount on genuine Suzuki spare parts 
20% discount on labour/service charges 

Mr. Keiichi Suzuki, Managing Director of Suzuki Malaysia Automobile Sdn Bhd, said, “The monsoon flooding is far reaching and has affected over 200,000 people, leaving many of them without the use of their flood-stricken vehicles. We urge our customers who have been affected by this disaster to get their Suzuki vehicles to the nearest service centre as soon as possible so that we may ensure their quick and safe return to the road.”

“The Suzuki ‘Way of Life!’ is about more than just embracing a vibrant and active lifestyle, it’s about making the best of everything and bringing positivity and goodness to daily living. In that respect, we have great compassion for those who are experiencing such distress due to the flooding and hope to provide some relief to our customers in the form of discounted car servicing,” he added.

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