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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Toyota Chief Test Driver Killed On Local Road Of Nurburgring

It’s sad news for Toyota Motor Corporation when their legendary chief test engineer/driver Hiromu Naruse died during a car accident on a local road near Nurburgring. Toyota haven’t announce any official information regarding this accident but from the limited source claimed that the 67 year old test driver is on the wheel of a Lexus LFA Nurburgring Edition when it crashes into a BMW 3 series.

The speed limit on the local road is 100km/h (62mph) but by looking on the video and the looks of the car, I would assume they are travelling at much higher speed as according to sources Naruse san body had to be pulled from the wreckage with a rescue scissors. Mean while the fate of the BMW test drivers was also not too good as one of them is in critical condition.

Well to me it’s a double blow for Toyota as they have lost their chief test driver and also it would be a bad publicity for this new Lexus LFA. People have seen how bad a Ferrari has involved in a crash but the driver escape with only cuts and bruises, but by looking at this accident, buyers of the Lexus LFA will start to think am I safe driving this car around on a high speed cruising. One can argue fate is fate, the life of anyone is depends on the hands of God, but to a normal layman thinking, the question will be still lingering in your mind, am I safe to enjoy this piece of engineering feat.

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