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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Malaysia Ranger Challenge Finalist Announced!!! Vote Now and Win Fabulous Prizes

The hype of the launching of the all new Ford Ranger is very much burning as Ford Malaysia have received thousands of online application for the Malaysia Ranger Challenge. Out of these thousands of application, five lucky finalists have been picked up by Ford Malaysia to realize their dream and challenge. 

They are Mr. Wong Kok Wei where his challenge is to transport a tree from a construction side to a garden. The next finalist is Mr. Peter Choy where his challenge is to access the orang asli settlement in Raub Pahang and he will be hosting doctors and medical aid and food for these orang asli. Our third finalist is Mr Denny Lim where his challenge is to travel back to his wife village with his beloved family which includes crossing river and lodging road and hill climbing before they can reach their destination. Sounds tough though!!

The next finalist is Mr Zolkaplie where his caring loving mind and heart would like to catch and release unfriendly wildlife in Putrajaya natural surrounding and parks to a new home which is at the forest reserve of Ulu Langat. Our last finalist is Mr Peter Charles where he would like to challenge this all new Ford Ranger to go through various parts of Sabah to transport his harvest from his farm to the FFB collection center.

So reader what you can do to help them to realize their dream? It’s very easy indeed, voters have to register themselves at to be eligible to cast vote. Ford Malaysia will start the voting phase for the Ford Ranger Challenge from 21st of May to 22nd of June. The 5 finalist video will be put up onto the Ford Ranger Challenge site on 21st of May 2012. The Grand Prize winner will be selected based on the collectively total number of thumbs up generated and the final decision from Ford Malaysia panel of judges.

So what are the prizes in store for our lucky winners? Ford Malaysia will generously present our lucky winner a 2012 Ford Ranger XLT 2.2L Manual Transmission with an approximate retail value of RM100,000 plus the Malaysia Ranger Challenge merchandise. For the first runner up, the winner will received RM9,888 in cash and a RM10,000 voucher to purchase his own All New Ford Ranger plus a Global Ranger Challenge merchandise.

The second runner up winner will get his hand RM3,888 in cash and a RM5,000 voucher to purchase his All New Ford Ranger plus a Global Ranger Challenge merchandise. Well that’s not about it, as voters, you will also stand chance to win a special edition merchandise which includes a G-Shock watch, exclusive Ford T-Shirt, thumb drives, caps and tumbler. 

So how you can get your hands on this prizes, its dead easy, as mentioned above, you need to cast your vote for the best challenge, Ford Malaysia will pick up the 50th, 100th, 150th voters and so on and they will need to answer a tie breaker question to stand a chance to win the prizes. Voters with the most creative answer will win the G-Shock watch. The rest of other winners will get one exclusive Ford merchandise courtesy of Ford Malaysia while stock last. So what are you waiting for, head down to to cast your vote and stand to win this exclusive Ford Malaysia merchandise!!

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